If you are an author looking for help getting your book published, this is where I will list recommedations for service providers for authors.

Lia Fairchild

In addition to being an outstanding professional editor, Lia is both a traditionally published and a self-published author. She knows how much energy and hard work you have put into your manuscript, and she will help you make it shine. I have worked with Lia on multiple projects and highly recommend her. You can find Lia at the following links:



A Rising Phoenix Editing

Cynthia is a self-published author and an excellent professional editor. I worked with Cynthia on my early works, and definitely recommend her. She took a short break from editing and is now back and ready to raise your manuscript to its full potential. You can find Cynthia at the following links:



Joanne Mountford

Jo is the very best proofreader I have ever worked with. I once sent her a 400-page manuscript that had been edited, reviewed by another proofreader, and read one final time by myself, and Jo found seventeen typos. Proofreading is a rare talent, and Jo is phenomenal! You won’t find a better proofreader. You can reach Jo at this email address:

Magen has made several book covers for me for both paperback and ebook, as well as a business logo for another page. She does amazing work and she is a pleasure to work with. 


Email Magen